American computer science, kingdom of bluff

I – American AI: an organized deception

Do not be fooled by the hype about the artificial intelligence of « GAFA », the US web giants Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. who beat the best human players in chess, go, poker. These big boxes are well aware of the appeal of a smart computer on the public and make you think they are mastering the subject. In fact, the real « subject » they are trying to master is you! They lie to you brazenly to take your money.

Indeed, why talk about artificial intelligence without ever defining intelligence? Why despite the countless advertising effects in 40 years does the public still understand nothing about artificial intelligence? Why is it necessary to produce a specific AI by subject when intelligence is deemed to be general? Why is an AI capable of playing chess unable to play Go? Why do so many computer scientists and man-years of development need to program one of these AIs while obviously if a machine is intelligent it does not need a computer programmer to program? Why are so many computers needed to run these American AIs while in France much more sophisticated AIs were shooting in 1982 on the first PCs? Why compare these laborious efforts with human intelligence that fits in a little skull and adapts to anything in seconds? Why are they still computer scientists who speak (very badly) of AI and never its users? Why do we admit since 1950 that the first demonstration of a real AI will be able to dialogue with us in order to make us believe that it is human (the famous « Turing test ») and that no major US university or any of these « familiar » multimillionaire groups of AI did not succeed in 67 years?

AI gaming software that cheat to win – You will say: maybe it’s fake AI but it beats the world’s biggest players, it needs intelligence behind! In fact, to win these programs cheat. They divert the problem, compensating for their lack of intelligence by something that the human does very badly and the computer very well: calculate. With his unlimited memory, he evaluates an infinity of possible moves. It’s a lot longer, it’s stupid, but it gives accurate results. It’s no longer game because our games use reasoning. We have fun reasoning better than the opponent. To calculate does not entertain us and besides, our brain is not made for that. It is made to simulate the universe. That’s not bad ! By calculation it is impossible, by reasoning we can achieve satisfactory results with parcel data.

AI is not the domain reserved for computer scientists! On the contrary. It is within the reach of the general public. Why ? Because the intelligence is in each of us. Just do a little introspection. Intelligence is reasoning about knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more intelligent you are. The reasoning was described 2,400 years ago by Aristotle: the « syllogism ». It is a logic that all living things, including plants (read Stefano Mancuso) possess. Without it, we are dead. The man reasons better simply because he has more knowledge, he has more knowledge simply because he has more memory and he has more memory simply because he has a bigger brain. « Logic » isn’t it ?

II –The deceit of Intel with its famous law of Moore

This so-called well-known law enacted by Gordon Moore states that the miniaturization of micro-processors (their engraving) doubles every two years. In fact, Gordon Moore was only making a statement about the past when he spoke about it in 1965. As he happens to be one of Intel’s three founders, this company later settled for that this finding of the past becomes the rule thereafter. As the media are gullible and computer science is by the grace of computer scientists a very esoteric technique, they relayed the info without trying to control it.

Loi de Moore

What is Intel’s interest in this? Well, to pretend that she is doing a breakneck-paced search when it’s wrong. She does not need to waste money on research, she already has such a dominant position that if she made it she would double in size and be cut into pieces by the antitrust law. This is the problem of all American BAFAs. Like them, Intel has long since curbed any competition by its abuse of dominance very American: see IBM (whose profit in the 1970s was greater than the turnover of its strongest competitor!), Microsoft, Qualcomm, Google , etc.).

« Very American » because the US market is 6 times larger than the French market (I’m French) and also it is Anglo-Saxon, the most used language on the planet. It makes the trade easier! Where, for the same product, a French company will lose money due to the narrowness of its domestic market, the American company will win a plethora. Thus a company without real value but located in a niche market, Microsoft for example, will flood the world by surprise boosted by its huge domestic market. But then, as it never innovates, it tramples and innovative competitors introduce themselves. Here again Microsoft is the best example that has not had a long time research department. Unable to fight on equal terms, these « trusts » then adopt anti-competitive tactics based on the intimidation of buyers, secret agreements with vendors, the theft of ideas well protected by an army of lawyers, etc. Microsoft, Google and Apple « innovate » by buying innovative start-ups with their badly earned money. Thus, these start-ups will no longer be able to innovate and represent future competition …

Let’s go back to Intel, trust among the trusts that, so do not do research or very little contrary to what the media say. It is therefore a terrible ad on the « law » of Moore that gives it the image of a very innovative company since every two years for nearly 50 years it manages to double the number of chips in its microprocessors. It gives a straight upward image of progress. Yes, but … The real progress is not linear, it is exponential!

Le progrès est exponentiel

The feat of Intel is to have managed to slow down its innovation to stay linear. It even happened to him some years to be unable to double! To avoid being dismantled by the antitrust law, Intel goes so far as to help its direct competitors not to break the figure, AMD for example by financial injection. As long as it has competitors, it can not be accused of being a monopoly …

This is how micro-processors, which are programs etched in silicon, are evolving just slowly enough for Intel’s computer scientists to get rich at our expense without being noticed. Once again, the public believes that we must thank the computer scientists for the « progress » they offer him when in fact he is played big time.

III – Where there is AI, there can be no more computer scientists

American « AIs » are programs developed by cohorts of computer scientists, who have taken years, supported by ultra-powerful networked computers and who can do only one thing. We are far from the human intelligence that fits in a little skull and adapts to anything in a few seconds. A real AI no longer needs a computer scientist, she programs herself. If anybody talks to you about an AI developed by a computer company, know that it is the classic program, written in the usual coded languages ​​(Java, HTML, C, etc.) inaccessible to users. A real AI is implemented by users and in everyday language.

And don’t forget that there is one like that, in France and only in France: mine …

IV – The sorry failure of the US media

The role of the media is central to this misinformation. You have noticed that I introduce you to aspects of society they have never talked about. They repeat the sensationalist communiqués of the big companies without any critical spirit. They refrain from keeping you informed about new computer technologies dedicated to the general public. For example La Maïeutique, my French invention that everyone expects, who won the 2017 American Ai Awards in artificial intelligence with this comment: « Tree Logic presents a computer technology, » La Maieutique « , which will drive world data processing into a new aera: the aera of computer becoming « human », communicative, intelligent and knowledge-hungry. More these key abilities we have been waiting for us: helpful, never forgetting new knowledge, and user friendly.  »

So I do volunteer work, that of a « whistleblower ».